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What is Gather?

We believe something sacred happens when people gather around a table and break bread together. Something so important and nourishing for not only our bodies but for our souls takes place when people come together over a shared meal. Somehow differences can be set aside and we as a people can bond over the fact we share the same basic needs - food, water, community. No matter what culture or country or belief system we come from, or what form our meals take, we can find commonality at the table.

This community has been put together to celebrate exactly that - life at the table. The laughter, the tears, the tastes, the epic multi-course triumphs, the simple weeknight go-tos, the cooking mishaps, the family recipes or new experiments. The birthday dinners, the holiday get-togethers, meals prepared with old or new friends, food shared in mourning or in laughter. Life happens around the table. And by sharing our stories and recipes we can celebrate those same commonalities we share.

Our goal is to have one place where we can accumulate stories and recipes from individuals from all walks of life. We will have a theme every month to prompt any memories or favorite recipes which can be shared here on our community page. We will share a few favorites from all submissions every month and we will make recommendations and share ideas for hosting your own gatherings.

We are honored you are here and we look forward to pulling up a seat to this table with you!